Ben's Comp Newsletter: Issue 015


I hope you're doing well, and are not having to work any ridiculous hours! Here is this week's dose of Nuke knowledge.

Artists are generally shielded from any thought of colourspaces in a studio environment with all the decisions being made, templated and automated by leads and supervisors, although it's a crucial concept for any compositor to understand. There are plenty of resources online for learning about colourspaces, LUTs and colour pipelines, although no-one ever talks about the lesser-used ones, or how they can help you to get better results in your comp.

Over the years I've learned some neat tricks from peers on how you can utilize different colourspaces to your advantage to get a nicer result, and I'd like to share them in an effort to start the discussion about what more can be achieved with a simple colourspace conversion.

Click here to read the article on things you can do in Log space, HSL/HSV, YCbCr & L*a*b. If you use any other colourspace conversion techniques to solve certain problems, please reply to this email and let me know! I will keep the aforementioned article up to date with any future contributions from this community.

Mads Hagbarth Damsbo created this long-awaited tool for Nuke. Rather than write about it myself, I'll instead copy/paste his description because it's absolutely hilarious!

"I took a timemachine into the future and found this amazing technology they have invented. Its called a Gradient Editor, and it allow artists to create and edit gradients, right there in their software! I took the tech with me home, and ill be bringing it out... for the first time... into the Nuke Software Programs. Will be available for 1$ on 3½-inch floppy disk, in a few weeks."

Click here to download Gradient Editor on Nukepedia, and Click here to watch the demo video.

Pranjal Choudhary is back again with a new tool, deployCrops, which auto-crops a selection of nodes everywhere there is a bounding box larger than your format. If you're in the habit of forgetting to keep an eye on your bbox size, this one is for you!

Click here to download from Nukepedia.

Note: be careful when using this tool with CG renders that have overscan, as it will crop that & mess up your lens distortion.

You've probably heard the expression, "That image looks terrible! Was it filmed with a potato?" As happens on the internet, The Corridor Crew have taken that literally, and created a potato camera to see how bad the quality really is.

Click here to watch the video, or Click here to jump to 12:16, where you see the result.


If you've created a gizmo or python script to solve a common problem or speed up your workflow, please reply to this email and let me know about it's existence! I'd love to help spread the word, to help us all be better compositors together!

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